The "Denton Servi"

New Project!!

Pre 1951 Servi-car

MAY 17, 2019

Southern National Meet    Denton, NC

It was a picturesque weekend in North Carolina and a great opportunity to hang out, tell stories, learn from each other and dig through boxes of old motorcycle treasures.

My goal was to find a pre ’51 Servi. I had gotten the bug to find or build one years ago and that bug was awakened on a recent trip to the Dixie Speedway, where SMC member Dorsey Uptain brought his Servi for our display at the track. It has been a couple of months since Atlanta and I had been searching on line and in my forums for a good basket case to no avail. So I began thinking about starting from scratch. While considering my options a partially complete pre ’51 rear end came to me out of the blue from Mississippi. I went over to MS and got the rear end and found a NOS WLA air cleaner to boot! At this point I knew which way the project was going to go. Ground UP!


We arrived in Denton on Thursday and setup camp and had a great time with the SMC gang at the campsite. Dinner was served and consumed. A big thank you goes to SMC members Danny and Beth Eubanks for making sure everyone got something to eat and a comfortable spot around the fire.

We crawl out of our tents on Friday to a gorgeous NC spring morning, grab a cup of coffee and off to the swap meet. The Denton swap meet was smaller than I had expected but the quality of items, in my opinion, was top notch. I get my plan together and my list is small, an early Servi frame. I go down the first aisle and make halfway through the second aisle and there it was in the back of a pickup truck with 4 other frames. It was what I wanted, and to add to it the matching complete rear end!!


by SMC member,

Cecil Frost (Big C)