THE CHASE! Update 3

Cruising across Lake Michigan and an easy day (not!)

We started out the day loading up on the coal-fired ferry USS Badger (built in 1953).

Here I am with the USS Badger in the background.

Here I am with the USS Badger in the background.

Bikes being loaded into the hold.

Bikes being loaded into the hold.

A view from the deck, this was a very enjoyable 4 hour ride.

A view from the deck, this was a very enjoyable 4 hour ride.

Once we landed in Wisconsin we had a short 100 mile ride to the Harley Museum.

This is when it fell apart. The bike was kicking and spitting. I ended up on the side of the road working. Had water in the carb and a fouled plug. The bike was not running right but I made check-in at the absolute last minute.

Once we got to the hotel I started working on the bike again. Turns out the rear intake spigot was loose in the head creating an air leak. I thought I was going to have to call it quits but with Joe Gimpel’s help we scrounged up some sealer and worked on the bike till 11:30 pm. I was up at 5:00 am and got her running again about an hour before start.

So I am off again - cross your fingers!