Stage 3

Dayton Ohio

September 12th   

Today we travelled 240 miles. It started out comfortable and quickly got very warm. Lucille carried me to the end with no issues.

Buck Carson #3 celebrated his 30th birthday today. Here he is with Dorsey after getting some life advice. (Note: Victor Boocock #56 – The Godfather – celebrated his 79th birthday today we believe, although he won’t confirm the actual date).


The Cannonball is a very difficult and dangerous event. One of the first casualties was yesterday. #110 Brianna Meisinger in one of the youngest riders we have. This is her first Cannonball, and she is riding a 1929 Indian Scout. She was involved in an accident that ended up sending her to the hospital. The photo below is the Xray of her leg. The rumor is that she is doing well, and we may see her before the Cannonball is over.


Here is the second casualty I am aware of. #192 Matt Lyman smashed up the front end of his 1918 Indian Powerplus. He suffered a concussion but is doing well.


Now on to Lucille and the Children of the Corn – Ohio has the corn, and I could not resist a quick tour of it.


The hosted lunch stop was at Napoleon Harley Davidson. Come to find out they have been using an image of yours truly to advertise the event for over a month. Here is a screen grab off of their website. This photo was taken during the 2016 Cannonball somewhere in Arizona.
